Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Ashlands Church of England Primary School is fully inclusive. We are proud of the way we support  the needs of all children, including those who require Special Educational Needs support and/or have disabilities. During our recent OFSTED inspection (October 2022) inspectors stated ‘Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are fully involved in all aspects of school life. Leaders have a comprehensive understanding of pupils with complex needs. Teachers adapt learning in lessons so that pupils with SEND complete the same learning as their peers and experience success’.

This page outlines key information with regards our provision for SEND and further useful information. Our school has co-produced our SEND policy with families, children and young people. It was approved by the Governing Body in June 2023. 

Mrs Kay Dawson is our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo)

                                                                                                           Mr Dominic Lawrence is our SEND Governor




If you have any queries regarding Special Educational Needs or if you need to make an appointment our SENDCo can be contacted on 01460 73437 alternatively by email kdawson@ashlandsprimary.school.

Our SENDCo is responsible for: 

  • Co-ordinating the strategic SEND work to support the children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and/or Disabilities. 
  • Developing the schools SEND Policy to make sure all children get a high quality response to meet their needs. 
  • Ensuring parents/carers are involved in supporting their child’s learning, kept informed about the support their child receives, reviewing how they are progressing and planning ahead for their child.     
  • Liaising with all other professionals who may be supporting their child’s  learning e.g. Speech and Language Therapist, Educational Psychologist. 
  • Updating and reviewing the SEND Register and making sure that there are records of the children’s progress and needs. 
  • Providing support for teachers and support staff in school so they can help all pupils to achieve  a ‘Love of Learning, Love of Life, Love of One Another’. 


For Ashlands Primary School offer click on our School logo below.  For Somerset’s Local Offer click on the Somerset Local offer image below.


What our children say about our school…..

I enjoy ELSA and do not mind missing my playtime to go to the lunchtime club. It is fun. 

I know who I can go to for help.

Mrs Noake listens to me when I need to talk. 


What our parents say about our school….

Ashlands School has been superb in supporting **** across his time and we are immensely grateful for all the support. Mrs D, Mrs C and Mrs G are helpful enthusiastic and engaged, thank you all. 

As parents of a child with SEN we feel fully supported by the SEND Lead.

Friendly atmosphere, very approachable staff and feel my daughter is well cared for and encouraged to achieve her best.

My son is challenged to his achieve his best and every small step is appreciated and valued which is great.

My son is supported with his home-school behaviour book. The school reinforces good behaviour in positive ways, which is really helpful.


SEND Policies and Documents 





Click on the link below for the SEND Parent Questionnaire results for 2023-2024

General Information and Support 

The Wise Up Calendar


The Pre-Assessment Autism and ADHD Pathway 

The pre-assessment pathway documents have been developed in collaboration with education, health and care colleagues as well as parent carers, children and young people (CYP). They have  been developed to support education settings like ours, other professionals and parent carers so that everyone better understands the pre-assessment pathway. It is important that the Autism and ADHD Pathways are standardised, easily accessible and provide a whole system-wide approach. Please click on the link below for further information. 



Further impartial advice can be found through contacting the Somerset Parent Partnership on 01823 355578 or at enquiries@somersetparentpartnership.org.uk or through visiting their website at http://www.somersetparentpartnership.org.uk/spp





Social, Emotional and Mental Health

Please see our ELSA page.


School Nurse 

NHS Direct

CLIC Sargent 

The Children’s Trust

CRUSE Bereavement Care

Speech, Language and Communication

Somerset Integrated Therapy service 

Talking Point

I CAN – Children’s Communication Charity

Cognition and Learning

Reading Matters

British Dyslexia Association

Somerset Dyslexia Association


We are very lucky to have a team of local wood workers at The Shed in Crewkerne. They have made us 4 high tables which enable some of the children to stand while they learn. 

Standing Tables - The Shed


Please find below dates of upcoming events.

If you require more information please contact our SENDCo, Kay Dawson

Click on the link above for the recent Activity Calendar. 


The following document was published by The Somerset Safeguarding Children Partnership.