Across the Ashlands and Misterton Federation we have many celebrations and events which reflect and embody our Christian character. Many of them follow the Anglican calendar and others are key events where the children and adults reflect on aspects of their life and identity, their place in our community or society or ways in which they can affect others’ lives. Below are just a flavour of what we have done since 2018 – 2020. We will try to update these as we celebrate through the year.
Harvest Festival – October 2019
On the 24th October, we held our annual Harvest Festival Service at St Leonard’s Church. The children were all asked to bring in food items to support the local charity ‘The Lord’s Larder’. The parents and children were incredibly generous.
This year each family were asked to created an animal using recycled materials. This was to support our Environmental Hero topic across the Federation and to enable the children to think about how their actions can affect others in their community and across the world.
The children all participated in a Harvest Activity morning the day before going to the Church, Thankfulness pumpkins, Welly Wanging, Seasonal fingerprint trees, and Harvest Problem Solving linked to team building skills kept the children thinking about our Service and they shared some super ideas about God and the world that he created. They also talked about how we need to continue to look after this world for generations to come! The songs the children chose to celebrate Harvest were a super mix of Christian based hymns and songs to encourage us to ‘Act Now’ to save the world that God created.
Easter Service – April 2019
Our Easter Service took place on the 3rd of April. Each class celebrated in their own way with a range of songs, poems and readings. The Year Four children worked together in groups and read beautifully – giving their audience both the bible verse alongside their own ‘current speak’ version.
Christmas Celebrations – December 2018
Our Christmas Nativity held at St Bartholomew’s Church was an opportunity for us to celebrate the story of the birth of Jesus and the importance of this in the Christian Calandar with our parents and local community. It was a joyous time and parents were also given the chance to chat and mingle at the end over a cuppa and a mince pie contributed by the Church.
Mr Pearse and his team immersed our Early Years children in the Nativity story through the play ‘The Inn-spectors’. The children made their audience move from laughter, to wonder and ultimately to immense love for their efforts to learn and share their learning about this important event in the Christian Calendar.
Children In Need – November 2018
We had so much fun this year on Children in Need Day, coming into school in our pyjamas and raising an incredible £441 for children who are worse off than ourselves. We linked our learning to care for the environment and the School Council encouraged children to make their own red noses from recycled materials. The children’s creations and their resourcefulness was wonderful!
WW1 Centenary Remembrance Service – November 2018
Across the Autumn term 2018 2019 each class took time to remember the people who had given their lives to enable us to live the lives we do now. The children in Beech and Monkey Puzzle class were immersed in a trench digging experience and really reflected on the value of friendship, perseverance, forgiveness and trust. Two of our Year Four children laid a wreath at the Church Service on Remembrance Sunday and one of our Year Four boys confidently shared a reading.
Harvest Festival – October 2018
On the 17th October, we held our annual Harvest Festival service in church. The children were all asked to bring in food items to support the local charity ‘The Lord’s Larder’. The parents and children were incredibly generous.The Fruit and Vegetable animals were once again simply amazing! The children enjoyed sharing them with their friends and teachers.