Welcome to the Board of Governors for Ashlands CofE Primary School

Nicola Ball- Head Teacher

I am proud to be the Head Teacher of Ashlands Church of England Primary School.  I took up this role in 2016, following 4 years as Deputy Head.  I have enjoyed many roles and responsibilities during my teaching career and continue to have a strong passion for English and Sports.  In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my family and getting out in the open air.  I have just taken up paddle sports and am trying to master white water canoeing! 




David Harvey – Chair of Governors
Responsibilities: Safeguarding


I have an extensive career in education working for 30 years in maintained schools as teacher, Head of Department/Faculty, senior leadership roles and governor (secondary and primary). In 2009 I joined Hampshire County Council as Area Strategic Manager Alternative Provision, and from 2015 -2021 Inclusion Support Service Manager for HCC. I had oversight for inclusion, exclusion, attendance, medical referrals, Elective Home Education, Children Missing Education and commissioning of alternative provision. I supported Headteachers in primary, secondary and special schools together with close liaison with school improvement teams, SEN, transport and social services. I am vice president of the Association of Education Welfare Management (AEWM) and founder member and chair (2015 – 2021) of the Association of Elective Home Education Professionals (AEHEP). I continue to meet with the Department for Education around attendance and EHE.

I retired in 2021 and with my wife moved to Somerset. Together we enjoy travel, exploring new places using the National trust and English Heritage plus visiting friends and family in the UK and abroad. We have two adult children, both teachers, and have in the last two years become a Grandad which is a great joy. We are active members of our local church and have embraced village life. I enjoy all sport, playing regular table tennis, I run (slowly!) and I am currently walking the SW Coast path. I am a season ticket holder at Exeter City although my first love in football is Southampton who I manage to see a few games each year.

I was delighted to join the Ashland’s governors as an LA appointment in March 2024 and I was made chair in May 2024. I look forward to meeting as many children and parents as possible over the coming year


Kelly Millet – Staff Governor 
 Responsibilities: Health & Safety

I have been working at Ashlands for over 10 years as a HLTA and I work mainly across KS2. SEN is one of my passions and I love working with children on their speech and language and with children who need extra support to improve their skills in a variety of areas. Being a Staff Governor has enabled me to  ensure our children have an inspiring curriculum that enriches and helps them to be confident in themselves and with the skills they have learnt.



Dominic Lawrence – Co-Opted Governor

Responsibilities: EYFS

I am a primary school teacher currently teaching year 1 in another school and a leader of Computing and Design Technology subject areas. I attended Ashlands as a child when it was a first school and as a governor, I wish to ensure that the school continues to provide a quality education for future generations. As a primary school teacher I bring significant experience of the primary curriculum, subject leadership, and knowledge of the early years in primary schools. We all go into teaching because we care about the outcomes of the children and I believe that all children have the potential to be successful.



Mercedes Dare – Co Opted Governor 
I am a deputy head at a small SEND school and have worked across mainstream and SEN settings for 9 years. I am very passionate about all thing’s curriculum, SEND and 
inclusion. I aim to encourage students to foster a love of learning, whatever that may look like. I also feel passionate about empowering teachers to be creative within the classroom.
It is my hope to bring this as a Governor to further support Ashlands Primary School, and to ensure it is as successful for all of its young people. 




Louise Stobbs- Parent Governor

I am currently an attendance officer at a local secondary school. I used to work at Ashlands as an Admin Assistant and I still currently have 3 children at the school. I spend lots of my spare time with my children, family and friends enjoying the local beaches and camping.




The Governor’s role at Ashlands CofE Primary School .

View the most recent Ofsted Report/Data Dashboard.

“The role of the Governor is largely a thinking and questioning role, not a doing role.”

As a member of the largest voluntary body in the UK school governors have three core functions in order to provide the highest standards of education:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school(s) and its pupils
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school(s) and ensuring  financial probity

A Governor’s role is to advise and support the Headteacher and other members of the Senior Leadership Team and act as a ‘critical friend’.

Why become a Governor?

If you have an interest in helping the school become the best school possible in terms of providing education from EYFS to Year 6, then offering your services as a Governor will allow you to contribute directly to this end.

If you had a good experience of education you may be driven by wanting to contribute to a similar experience for today’s young people; equally if your experience was less than good you may wish to contribute to improve the educational experience of students today.

If you are interested in the role as a Governor of the School, please contact us using one of the methods below. It is, if course, not always possible to offer a post to volunteers if particular skill set or experience already exist within the Board and other subject experience is missing. CONTACT email: Office@ashlandsprimary.school  adding ‘GOVERNOR-INFORMATION’ in the subject line. There are other committees that meet as necessary to consider issues such as parent complaints, staff dismissal, pupil discipline and the Headteacher’s performance management. From time to time working parties are formed for specific, time limited work. On rare occasions when parents feel they have a complaint that cannot be resolved within the School, there are procedures in place to ask for Governors’ assistance. This is outlined in the Complaints Policy. All Governors are contactable via the School Office: Office@ashlandsprimary.school  and by post. Links to Key Governor Documents here Governor Induction Policy V1The Role of GovernorsWhat Governing Bodies should expect from School LeadersGovernor Website:http://www.nga.org.uk/Home.aspxSLP Link to Governor Section: https://slp.somerset.org.uk/sites/governorservices/SitePages/Home.aspx