Welcome to Butterfly Class
Who’s who?
Mrs Sara Collicutt
Class Teacher
Hello and welcome to Butterfly class. We are a Reception class of 21 children with one class teacher, one HLTA and one 1:1 support assistant.
We take our learning seriously but have a lot of fun inside and outside the classroom. Bringing the learning to life, making it real and sharing the learning with our family and friends. We never forget how blessed we are to have a great school and know how important it is to try hard and enjoy ourselves.
Take a look around Butterfly Class:
Click on the links below and see what a typical Butterfly Class set up looks like!
Learning through Continuous Provision:
Forest School:
Every Wednesday we visit the Forest School and take our learning out into nature. Not only do we spend time exploring the forest but each week we complete a range of activities linked to our learning in the classroom.
Physical Activity in EYFS:
Participation in regular physical activity can have a major impact on your child’s health and wellbeing, as well as their physical development. The UK Chief Medical Officer recommends that all children age 0-5 should have at least 180 minutes of physical activity a day. Some of the things which we do in school include:
- Playdough Disco
- Cosmic Kids Yoga
- Mindfulness Sessions
- Weekly PE sessions and regular access to the outdoor area.
This is just a snapshot of some of the things we do on a daily basis. Here are some ideas for physical activity that you can do at home:
- Go on family walks
- Cosmic Kids Yoga
- Gardening
- Make a fun obstacle course around your house
- Set up a family sports competition.
What are we learning?
Summer Term – Please find below a copy of this terms class letter and topic web to find out all about what we are learning in Butterfly Class.
Summer 1 Letter to Parents
Summer 1 Term Topics
Useful Information:
PE: Every Wednesday.
Forest School: Every Wednesday.
Home learning: Weekly Phoneme and Common Exception Words and Reading.
Swimming: Tuesdays in July
If you have any questions, please use the email below to contact me: