Statement in Respect of Extreme Weather Conditions.
- If at all possible, school will open as usual.
- Many of our children who come to our school live within easy reach of the school premises; this ensures that whatever the weather conditions, the majority will be able to attend.
- Parents should ensure that school is open at the beginning of the school day before leaving their child at the school.
- Should it be necessary to close the school parents need to ensure that alternative arrangements have been made.
- It is expected that all staff will attempt to make their journey to school as normal.
- It must be appreciated, however, that despite all efforts being made by staff to attend, adverse conditions i.e. snow, traffic, untreated roads etc. may result in insufficient staff being in attendance. This being the case the school will close.
- In the event of closure, a message will be posted on the school website and we will endeavour to text all parents by 7.45am (please be aware that when we bulk text there can often be a delay in receipt). Therefore, we will also update Heart FM 102.6FM, BBC Somerset 1566MHz and the Somerset Learning Platform Website (however, we cannot guarantee how often this will be updated). You may also wish to check the PTA Facebook page.
- It is safer to make a decision to close the school at the beginning of the school day should this be necessary. However, if conditions deteriorate during the course of the school day making travel conditions difficult school leaders may make the decision to close early. If this should happen parents will be contacted by text, please come directly to Reception to collect your child(ren). A Senior member of staff will stay at school until every child has been collected.
- It must be appreciated that each incidence of severe weather is different and a decision on closure has to be made according to the situation prevailing at the time.
- It is imperative that up to date emergency contact numbers are held by the school.