Online Safety

Internet security is a very important issue to all at Ashlands C of E Primary School – we hope every child has a safe and happy experience whilst using the internet.

Making sure children are accessing age appropriate content is important as part of our role to educate pupils to become responsible internet users. Below is a chart showing the age restrictions placed on different social media app and services.

We have a range of security measures in place to help safeguard children from potential dangers and unsuitable material.

Any online safety incidents are recorded and managed according to our online-safety policy- see polcies page 

Click here to go to the Key Documents & Policies Page


Online safety is taught across all year groups, children can demonstrate and say how they stay safe on line. They know who they can talk to if they see or read anything that upsets them, this includes at home.

Every class has their own online safety area, this includes E-sense rules that the class have agreed .

There is a whole school approach using the E-Sense Awards, these reinforce the online work that all children complete during their time at Ashlands.

Every class has elected an online -safety Champion, they have an important role within the school. They are the eyes and ears of online safety, they will be on the look out for great online practice and to help with any online safety questions.

They will attend termly meetings to raise any concerns and to review the school’s policies.

Our Online safety Champions this year are




Specific advice for Online Safety when using technology at home while social distancing

Follow the link for #StaySafeStayHome for advice and guidance on using technology while staying at home. Parents also are sharing their experiences of working with their children using technology.


Talking to your children about Online Safety

Many parents and carers worry about their children staying safe when using technology. Research shows that one of the best ways to keep them safe is to talk to children about the technology they use, when they are using it. But knowing how to talk to children about technology can be challenging.

This blog sets out five tips for talking to children of all ages about their technology use. These are:

1) Play games together

2) Read together

3) Explore the online world together

4) Watch shows and films online together

5) Laugh together

Read the full details of these tips at:


Here is a link to SomersetElim’s game break cards. These cards can used to help develop good online safety and healthy habits.

We use these posters from Somerset Elim in class to encourage healthy habits when using technology



Some useful parent information sites:


Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, offers advice to parents but also age appropriate advice and games for children age 4+. A great document with information for how to keep you child safe while learning at home:


 Keeping children safe – Find out how you can keep children safe from abuse and other dangers, both online and in the physical world.
O2 have teamed up with the NSPCC to review the most popular social networks, apps and games that your children are using.

CBBC WebsWhat issues could be affecting your children?  Get to grips with what they may come across on the internet and how to get help if you need it.  Find out what to do if you’re worried about anything you or your child has seen online.ite – The ultimate internet survival guide. Tips and tricks you’ll need to stay safe online, beat the cyber-bullies and become a super-surfer.



What issues could be affecting your children?  Get to grips with what they may come across on the internet and how to get help if you need it.  Find out what to do if you’re worried about anything you or your child has seen online.



The ‘Bullying UK’ website deals not only with cyber bullying but bullying of any nature.  In relation to cyber bullying the site tackles what to do, the effects of cyber bullying and staying safe online.


Safer internet has advice and resources to support parents and children to use the internet safely, responsibly and positively.






For further support with Online Safety follow this link:

Online Compass is a tool that shows you what you can do to make the use of technology safer for you and your family.

The tool allows you to self assess where you rate your current online safety and then make suggestions on how to be safer online.


Subject links

You may want to practice different skills such as Rainbow Olympic Maths challenge and phonic sounds at home. Here are some links to websites where you can practice this at home.









There are a range of different apps that can be downloaded to help support learning in a fun and engaging way. Please speak to your class teacher for ideas of apps and games that your child could play online.